Karen 30th January 2021

Gary a friend will tell you that you are a hard Woker, respected, great chef, you more than love your family and you are all those things, A true friend would say you like to moan a little bit, you are stubborn, maybe a little true honest at times and above all you are the best friend anyone could have. The thing that makes me laugh about you the most is the name you have for people they were not always complimentary, and I am sure when we first met over 12 years ago my name would have started with a B and ended with a H, but I am hoping now it starts with an F and ends in D. People have said to me that I have been a good friend to you but what they don’t know is that you have been the best friend to me you have picked me up, given me a honest talking to and kicked me up the bum a few times when I need it. That’s what true friends do. Thank you for being my true friend